Found 140 results
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A 30-GHz CMOS SOI Outphasing Power Amplifier With Current Mode Combining for High Backoff Efficiency and Constant Envelope Operation,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, (2019)
A 60-GHz Symmetric Doherty Power Amplifier with 20.4% 6-dB Back-off Efficiency,
, 2019 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), p.559–562, (2019)
A Case for Digital Beamforming at mmWave,
, arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.08693, (2019)
Code-Pass and Code-Reject Filters for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive in 45-nm CMOS SOI,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 67, Number 7, p.2730–2740, (2019)
Distributed Pulse Rotary Traveling Wave VCO: Architecture and Design,
, 2019 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), p.235–240, (2019)
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Coherent Links for Datacenters,
, 2019 IEEE Optical Interconnects Conference (OI), p.1–2, (2019)
A High Spur-Free Dynamic Range Silicon DC Kerr Ring Modulator for RF Applications,
, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Volume 37, Number 13, p.3261–3272, (2019)
A Linear Microwave Electro-Optic Front End With SiGe Distributed Amplifiers and Segmented Silicon Photonic Mach-Zehnder Modulator,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, (2019)
Monolithically-Integrated 50 Gbps 2pJ/bit Photoreceiver with Cherry-Hooper TIA in 250nm BiCMOS Technology,
, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, p.M3A–5, (2019)
A Novel Architecture for a Two-Tap Feed-Forward Optical or Electrical Domain Equalizer using a Differential Element,
, 2019 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), p.1–2, (2019)
An 18-dBm, 57 to 85-GHz, 4-stack FET Power Amplifier in 45-nm SOI CMOS,
, 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, p.1453–1456, (2018)
A 28-GHz, 18-dBm, 48% PAE Stacked-FET Power Amplifier with Coupled-Inductor Neutralization in 45-nm SOI CMOS,
, 2018 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS), p.85–88, (2018)
A 30.9 dBm, 300 MHz 45-nm SOI CMOS Power Modulator for Spread-Spectrum Signal Processing at the Antenna,
, 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, p.423–426, (2018)
Code Selective Filters in CMOS Processes for Full Duplex Communication and Interference Mitigation,
, (2018)
Compact series power combining using subquarter-wavelength baluns in silicon germanium at 120 GHz,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 66, Number 11, p.4844–4859, (2018)
Efficient Linear Millimeter-Wave Distributed Transceivers in CMOS SOI,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 67, Number 1, p.295–307, (2018)
A High-Fractional-Bandwidth, Millimeter-Wave Bidirectional Image-Selection Architecture With Narrowband LO Tuning Requirements,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 53, Number 8, p.2164–2176, (2018)
RF silicon photonics for wideband, high dynamic range microwave and millimeter-wave signal processing,
, 2018 IEEE 18th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), p.41–44, (2018)
RF Watt-Level Low-Insertion-Loss High-Bandwidth SOI CMOS Switches,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 66, Number 12, p.5724–5736, (2018)
A Series $${$N$}$ $-Path Code Selective Filter for Transmitter Rejection in Full-Duplex Communication,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 29, Number 1, p.38–40, (2018)
Temperature sensitivity of non-degenerate modes in cmos lc quadrature oscillators,
, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Volume 65, Number 8, p.1004–1008, (2018)
A λ/4-lnverted N-path Filter in 45-nm CMOS SOI for Transmit Rejection with Code Selective Filters,
, 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, p.1370–1373, (2018)
A 71–86 GHz bidirectional image selection transceiver architecture,
, 2017 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), p.384–387, (2017)
A 71–86-GHz phased array transceiver using wideband injection-locked oscillator phase shifters,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 65, Number 2, p.346–361, (2017)
A compact, 37% fractional bandwidth millimeter-wave phase shifter using a wideband lange coupler for 60-GHz and E-band systems,
, 2017 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2017)
Forward bias operation of silicon photonic Mach Zehnder modulators for RF applications,
, Optics express, Volume 25, Number 19, p.23181–23190, (2017)
A recursive switched-capacitor house-of-cards power amplifier,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 52, Number 7, p.1719–1738, (2017)
A tunable 5–7 GHz distributed active quasi-circulator with 18-dBm output power in CMOS SOI,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 27, Number 11, p.998–1000, (2017)
A 0.4–6-GHz 17-dBm B1dB 36-dBm IIP3 channel-selecting low-noise amplifier for SAW-less 3G/4G FDD diversity receivers,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 64, Number 4, p.1110–1121, (2016)
A 14-GHz, 22-dBm series Doherty power amplifier in 45-nm CMOS SOI,
, 2016 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2016)
A 3-Gb/s Radar Signal Processor Using an IF-Correlation Technique in 90-nm CMOS,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 64, Number 7, p.2171–2183, (2016)
A 70-GHz LO phase-shifting bidirectional frontend using linear coupled oscillators,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 65, Number 3, p.892–904, (2016)
A 71–86-GHz switchless asymmetric bidirectional transceiver in a 90-nm SiGe BiCMOS,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 64, Number 12, p.4262–4273, (2016)
A Differential Oscillator Injection Locking Technique for an 8 GHz Outphasing Modulator With 22.7% Modulation Efficiency,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 51, Number 12, p.3093–3102, (2016)
An E-band, scalable 2$\times$ 2 phased-array transceiver using high isolation injection locked oscillators in 90nm SiGe BiCMOS,
, 2016 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), p.178–181, (2016)
Injection locking circuit techniques for high-efficiency millimeter-wave transmitter arrays in SiGe and CMOS SOI processes,
, 2016 IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM), p.158–165, (2016)
Multigate-cell stacked FET design for millimeter-wave CMOS power amplifiers,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 51, Number 9, p.2027–2039, (2016)
A PMOS mm-wave power amplifier at 77 GHz with 90 mW output power and 24% efficiency,
, 2016 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), p.262–265, (2016)
A recursive house-of-cards digital power amplifier employing a λ/4-less Doherty power combiner in 65nm CMOS,
, ESSCIRC Conference 2016: 42nd European Solid-State Circuits Conference, p.189–192, (2016)
Scaling trends for picojoule-per-bit WDM photonic interconnects in CMOS SOI and FinFET processes,
, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Volume 34, Number 11, p.2730–2742, (2016)
Series power combining: Enabling techniques for Si/SiGe millimeter-wave power amplifiers,
, 2016 IEEE 16th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), p.116–119, (2016)
Supply-scaling for efficiency enhancement in distributed power amplifiers,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 51, Number 9, p.1994–2005, (2016)
A 0.2–3.6-GHz 10-dBm B1dB 29-dBm IIP3 tunable filter for transmit leakage suppression in SAW-less 3G/4G FDD receivers,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 63, Number 10, p.3514–3524, (2015)
0.4–6 GHz, 17-dBm B1dB, 36-dBm IIP3 channel-selecting, low-noise amplifier for SAW-less 3G/4G FDD receivers,
, 2015 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), p.299–302, (2015)
A 105-GHz, supply-scaled distributed amplifier in 90-nm SiGe BiCMOS,
, 2015 IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting-BCTM, p.182–185, (2015)
A 1.1-Gbit/s 10-GHz outphasing modulator with 23-dBm output power and 60-dB dynamic range in 45-nm CMOS SOI,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 63, Number 7, p.2289–2300, (2015)
A 22 dBm, 0.6 mm$^2$ D-Band SiGe HBT Power Amplifier Using Series Power Combining Sub-Quarter-Wavelength Baluns,
, 2015 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2015)
28 GHz> 250 mW CMOS power amplifier using multigate-cell design,
, 2015 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2015)
A 6-41 GHz Distributed Amplifier with Supply Scaling for Efficiency Enhancement,
, 2015 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2015)
A 70 GHz bidirectional front-end for a half-duplex transceiver in 90-nm SiGe BiCMOS,
, 2015 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2015)
A high-linearity, 30 GS/s track-and-hold amplifier and time interleaved sample-and-hold in an InP-on-CMOS process,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 50, Number 11, p.2692–2702, (2015)
$ Q $-Band Spatially Combined Power Amplifier Arrays in 45-nm CMOS SOI,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 63, Number 6, p.1937–1950, (2015)
Source Coding and Preemphasis for Double-Edged Pulsewidth Modulation Serial Communication,
, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume 24, Number 2, p.555–566, (2015)
Transmission of signals with complex constellations using millimeter-wave spatially power-combined CMOS power amplifiers and digital predistortion,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 63, Number 7, p.2364–2374, (2015)
Tuning-range enhancement through deterministic mode selection in RF quadrature oscillators,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 63, Number 11, p.3713–3726, (2015)
A 0.25-to-2.25 GHz, 27 dBm IIP3, 16-path tunable bandpass filter,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 24, Number 12, p.866–868, (2014)
A 10 bit, 300 MS/s Nyquist Current-Steering Power DAC With 6 V $ _ ${$$\backslash$rm PP$}$ $ Output Swing,
, IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits, Volume 49, Number 6, p.1408–1418, (2014)
30.8 A 30GS/s double-switching track-and-hold amplifier with 19dBm IIP3 in an InP BiCMOS technology,
, 2014 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC), p.1–3, (2014)
A dual-band millimeter-wave direct-conversion transmitter with quadrature error correction,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 62, Number 12, p.3118–3130, (2014)
Millimeter-wave dual-band, bidirectional amplifier and active circulator in a CMOS SOI process,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 62, Number 12, p.3028–3040, (2014)
Multi-drive stacked-FET power amplifiers at 90 GHz in 45 nm SOI CMOS,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 49, Number 5, p.1148–1157, (2014)
A reconfigurable 50-Mb/s-1 Gb/s pulse compression radar signal processor with offset calibration in 90-nm CMOS,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 63, Number 1, p.266–278, (2014)
A self-steering receiver array using jointly coupled oscillators and phased-locked loops,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 62, Number 3, p.631–644, (2014)
A 10-b, 300-MS/s power DAC with 6-V pp differential swing,
, 2013 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), p.163–166, (2013)
A 10-Gb/s, 107-mW double-edge pulsewidth modulation transceiver,
, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Volume 61, Number 4, p.1068–1080, (2013)
A 1Gb/s reconfigurable pulse compression radar signal processor in 90nm CMOS,
, Proceedings of the IEEE 2013 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, p.1–4, (2013)
A 25-Gb/s monolithic optical transmitter with micro-ring modulator in 130-nm SoI CMOS,
, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Volume 25, Number 19, p.1901–1903, (2013)
A 40/85 GHz dual-band, bidirectional variable gain amplifier,
, 2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), p.1–3, (2013)
A 92-GHz deterministic quadrature oscillator and N-push modulator in 120-nm SiGe BiCMOS,
, 2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), p.1–4, (2013)
Active millimeter-wave phase-shift Doherty power amplifier in 45-nm SOI CMOS,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 48, Number 10, p.2338–2350, (2013)
Analysis and design of stacked-FET millimeter-wave power amplifiers,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 61, Number 4, p.1543–1556, (2013)
A CMOS SOI stacked shunt switch with sub-500ps time constant and 19-Vpp breakdown,
, 2013 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2013)
Energy efficiency optimization through codesign of the transmitter and receiver in high-speed on-chip interconnects,
, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume 22, Number 4, p.938–942, (2013)
A multichannel serial link receiver with dual-loop clock-and-data recovery and channel equalization,
, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Volume 60, Number 11, p.2920–2931, (2013)
A passive I/Q millimeter-wave mixer and switch in 45-nm CMOS SOI,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 61, Number 3, p.1131–1139, (2013)
A Q-band/W-band dual-band power amplifier in 0.12 μm SiGe BiCMOS process,
, 2013 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2013)
A self-steering I/Q receiver array in 45-nm CMOS SOI,
, 2013 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), p.367–370, (2013)
A 40-Gb/s optical transceiver front-end in 45 nm SOI CMOS,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 47, Number 3, p.615–626, (2012)
A 45-nm SOI CMOS integrate-and-dump optical sampling receiver,
, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Volume 60, Number 2, p.469–478, (2012)
A 60 GHz BiFET constructive wave power amplifier,
, 2012 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p.1–3, (2012)
An 8-bit integrate-and-sample receiver for rate-scalable photonic analog-to-digital conversion,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 60, Number 12, p.3798–3809, (2012)
A 9 mW, Q-Band direct-conversion I/Q modulator in SiGe BiCMOS process,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 22, Number 6, p.327–329, (2012)
Analog signal processing for pulse compression radar in 90-nm CMOS,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 60, Number 12, p.3810–3822, (2012)
An integrate-and-dump receiver for high dynamic range photonic analog-to-digital conversion,
, 2012 IEEE 12th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, p.155–158, (2012)
Linear operation of high-power millimeter-wave stacked-FET PAs in CMOS SOI,
, 2012 IEEE 55th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), p.686–689, (2012)
Linearity considerations for low-EVM, millimeter-wave direct-conversion modulators,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 60, Number 10, p.3272–3285, (2012)
Modeling and analysis of power distribution networks in 3-D ICs,
, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume 21, Number 2, p.354–366, (2012)
A monolithic 25-Gb/s transceiver with photonic ring modulators and Ge detectors in a 130-nm CMOS SOI process,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 47, Number 6, p.1309–1322, (2012)
A Nested-Reactance Feedback Power Amplifier for $ Q $-Band Applications,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 60, Number 6, p.1667–1675, (2012)
$ Q $-band and $ W $-band power amplifiers in 45-nm CMOS SOI,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 60, Number 6, p.1870–1877, (2012)
Spur free dynamic range prediction for phased array receivers,
, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume 60, Number 4, p.2036–2043, (2012)
A 2.5-dB insertion loss, DC-60 GHz CMOS SPDT switch in 45-nm SOI,
, 2011 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2011)
A 2.9-dB noise figure, Q-band millimeter-wave CMOS SOI LNA,
, 2011 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), p.1–4, (2011)
A 45-GHz rotary-wave voltage-controlled oscillator,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 59, Number 2, p.383–392, (2011)
A 45-GHz SiGe HBT amplifier at greater than 25% efficiency and 30 mW output power,
, 2011 IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, p.25–28, (2011)
A 92 GHz bandwidth distributed amplifier in a 45 nm SOI CMOS technology,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 21, Number 6, p.329–331, (2011)
Bidirectional circuitry for millimeter-wave pulse compression radar,
, 2011 IEEE RadarCon (RADAR), p.1062–1067, (2011)
Double-edge pulsewidth modulation for multidrop backplanes,
, 2011 IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium (EDAPS), p.1–4, (2011)
A fully-integrated optical duobinary transceiver in a 130nm SOI CMOS technology,
, 2011 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), p.1–4, (2011)
Injection Locking Techniques for Spectrum Analysis,
, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1339, Number 1, p.44–55, (2011)
Interconnect channel characteristics favoring double-edge pulsewidth modulation,
, 2011 IEEE 20th Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, p.147–150, (2011)
A low-power dual-channel distributed amplifier for multielement receivers,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 59, Number 2, p.435–442, (2011)
A Q-band amplifier implemented with stacked 45-nm CMOS FETs,
, 2011 IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS), p.1–4, (2011)
Staggered gain for 100+ GHz broadband amplifiers,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 46, Number 5, p.1123–1136, (2011)
A Switchless, $ Q $-Band Bidirectional Transceiver in 0.12-$$\backslash$mu $ m SiGe BiCMOS Technology,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 47, Number 2, p.368–380, (2011)
A 1.1 THz Gain-Bandwidth $ W $-Band Amplifier in a 0.12$$\backslash$mu ${$$\backslash$rm m$}$ $ Silicon Germanium BiCMOS Process,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 20, Number 11, p.625–627, (2010)
A 19.4 dBm, Q-Band Class-E Power Amplifier in a 0.12$$\backslash$mu ${$$\backslash$rm m$}$ $ SiGe BiCMOS Process,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 20, Number 5, p.283–285, (2010)
A 40-Gb/s optical transceiver front-end in 45nm SOI CMOS technology,
, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 2010, p.1–4, (2010)
A 77-GHz to 90-GHz bidirectional amplifier for half-duplex front-ends,
, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 2010, p.1–4, (2010)
A 91 to 110-GHz tapered constructive wave power amplifier in a 0.12 μm SiGe BiCMOS process,
, 2010 IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM), p.125–128, (2010)
Bandwidth enhancement with low group-delay variation for a 40-Gb/s transimpedance amplifier,
, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Volume 57, Number 8, p.1964–1972, (2010)
Cascaded constructive wave amplification,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 58, Number 3, p.506–517, (2010)
A fully integrated Q-band bidirectional transceiver in 0.12-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology,
, 2010 IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM), p.57–60, (2010)
High-speed and low-power on-chip global link using continuous-time linear equalizer,
, 19th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, p.5–8, (2010)
A Ka-band high-pass distributed amplifier in 120nm SiGe BiCMOS,
, 2010 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, p.952–955, (2010)
A Low-Power, $ W $-Band Phase Shifter in a 0.12$$\backslash$mu ${$$\backslash$rm m$}$ $ SiGe BiCMOS Process,
, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Volume 20, Number 11, p.631–633, (2010)
Performance prediction of throughput-centric pipelined global interconnects with voltage scaling,
, Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE international workshop on System level interconnect prediction, p.69–76, (2010)
Prediction and comparison of high-performance on-chip global interconnection,
, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume 19, Number 7, p.1154–1166, (2010)
A 26dB-gain 100GHz Si/SiGe cascaded constructive-wave amplifier,
, 2009 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-Digest of Technical Papers, p.488–489, (2009)
A balanced injection-locked, phase-locked loop array for spectrum analysis,
, 2009 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, p.1–4, (2009)
A DC-102GHz broadband amplifier in 0.12 μm SiGe BiCMOS,
, 2009 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, p.53–56, (2009)
Design methodology of high performance on-chip global interconnect using terminated transmission-line,
, 2009 10th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, p.451–458, (2009)
Injection locked oscillator arrays for spectrum analysis,
, 2009 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, p.575–578, (2009)
On-chip global clock distribution using directional rotary traveling-wave oscillator,
, 2009 IEEE 18th Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, p.251–254, (2009)
Predicting microwave digital signal integrity,
, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Volume 32, Number 2, p.280–289, (2009)
Prediction of high-performance on-chip global interconnection,
, Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on System level interconnect prediction, p.61–68, (2009)
A 35-GHz differential distributed loss-compensation amplifier,
, 2008 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, p.211–214, (2008)
Active silicon-based shockwave formation,
, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p.201–204, (2008)
On-chip bus signaling using passive compensation,
, 2008 IEEE-EPEP Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, p.33–36, (2008)
Signal integrity in reflection-limited channels,
, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p.1565–1568, (2008)
Analysis and equalization of data-dependent jitter,
, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume 41, Number 3, p.607–620, (2006)
Cancellation of crosstalk-induced jitter,
, IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, Volume 41, Number 3, p.621–632, (2006)
An integrated subharmonic coupled-oscillator scheme for a 60-GHz phased-array transmitter,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 54, Number 12, Pa, p.4271–4280, (2006)
Phase and amplitude pre-emphasis techniques for low-power serial links,
, IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits, Volume 41, Number 6, p.1391–1399, (2006)
Quadrature Subharmonic Coupled Oscillators for a 60GHz SiGe Scalable Phased Array,
, 2006 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, p.822–825, (2006)
Data-dependent jitter in serial communications,
, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 53, Number 11, p.3388–3397, (2005)
Synchronization design of a coupled phase-locked loop,
, IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, Volume 51, Number 3, p.952–960, (2003)